Your Move

We are now a Your Move School!

Your Move is a Department of Transport program that encourages students and their families to get active by walking, scooting and riding to school. These behavioural changes help instil lifelong healthy and positive habits and improve concentration and academic performance for students, while also reducing traffic and improving safety around the school.  

Everyone can get involved in Your Move. Do you live too far away? Why not drive to a nearby park or café and then walk the rest of the way? Concerned about safety? Why not join your kids in walking or riding to school once a week? Small changes still make a big difference.

We earn Your Move points by posting stories and photos of our active transport adventures on the website; these can translate into grants to fund active transport facilities and activities for the school and other rewards. If you’re interested in volunteering to be part of our school’s Your Move program, get in touch with our Your Move Champion Miss M.

Before riding your bike to school, make sure you give it a quick safety check. Learn how by watching this ABC Bike Check video and checking out these great resources on staying safe on your bike.

Wellard Village Primary School Safe Routes to School Map