Prospective Staff 2025

Welcome to Wellard Village Primary School,

Thank you for taking the time to investigate our school and determine if it is a place you would like to work in 2025 and beyond.

It is important that you take the time to read and research our school wide practices as well as our instructional model to ensure that it aligns to your practice. As a new school we value consistent practices, as our students have come from a variety of schools. Consistent practice is also important to ensure equality and improved student outcomes. 

Below are some of our school wide documents that will assist you in determining if WVPS is for you.

WVPS 2024 to 2026 Business Plan 

WVPS 2023 Annual Report 

WVPS Whole School Practices

As our school is growing, we will have numerous teaching vacancies across Year 1-6 in 2025, and we will also require an increase in allied staff members. 

If you have any questions whilst you are thinking about applying to our school, please feel free to email a member of the leadership team.

Wishing you all the best in your decision making and application process. We are looking forward to meeting new people to work in our amazing school.