Welcome to the Wellard Village Primary School P&C page. Here you will find all the need-to-know information about how the P&C operates at our school. The school leadership team and staff are very thankful that we are fortunate to have a group of dedicated parents and community members who are willing to give up their time to create events, fundraise and support our community to make our school a better place. If you are interested in finding out more about what a P&C does click here and how an effective P& C operates: WACSSO effective P&C associations.

Meet our P&C Executive Team:

  • President - Georgia Galati
  • Vice President - Lubaina Najmuddin
  • Secretary - Greta Armytage 
  • Treasurer - Thomas Walkemeyer

Georgia: President of the P&C (first on the right): Georgia is our lists and logistics lover – as a travel agent pre-covid, and now a massage therapist with her own business – she’s always got a plan on the go. She’s got a spreadsheet for just about everything and loves a good project – whether a marketing campaign or a birthday party for her daughters! Georgia was a part of the Steering Committee for WVPS, and P&C President in 2023, and enjoys playing an active role in the community: serving on the 7-day makeover team and networking with our local small businesses. She’s excited to build community relationships and continue being the mother-hen to the P&C, and ensuring we're welcoming and approachable, with an open-door policy.

Lubaina: Vice President (2nd on the right): Lubaina, a telecommunications engineer by profession, has a great passion for photography and music. She has two lovely boys and is a warm-hearted individual committed to giving back to the community. She effortlessly puts herself in others' shoes, creating meaningful connections. Her genuine interest in people is evident, as she enjoys learning more about them. Her strong interpersonal skills and innate empathy make her an excellent choice as a VP. 

Greta: Secretary (3rd on the right): Greta has been an active member of the P&C through multiple schools for over 4 years and has now stepped into her first formal role as secretary at WVPS. Pre-motherhood she was a state consultant for a large international Café franchisee and is used to managing 100s of emails, compiling minutes, organising group events and can make just about anything into a spreadsheet or PDF. Now with 2 kids in full time school and a toddler to chase after, you're more likely to find her in active wear and a messy bun than a corporate suit. But she still has a passion for organising both her time and others to get everything running smoothly and keeping the dream team on track. She loves getting crafty and is always making things for stalls, raffles or to gift. An amateur graphic designer and party planner, she's not afraid of whipping up invites, posters and logos or event pamphlets and uses any excuse to whip out her creative side. Her biggest passion is her kids and giving them the best opportunities she can and being a member of the P&C gives her the chance to interact with the school and help make it the most cohesive and inclusive as possible.

Thomas: Treasurer (4th on the right): Thomas is a mechanical engineer with a mind for maths and science. He enjoys spending time with his wife and four children, especially doing science experiments and various projects at home. More comfortable with numbers than words, Thomas has previous experience as treasurer of a social club and is well situated to undertake the role with confidence and transparency. He also initiated the procurement and selling of ScootLocks at WVPS in 2023. Thomas believes in keeping our children safe and promotes an interest in all aspects of education. 

What a P&C does

Schools have their own budgets —but invariably they need more than the budget allows. That’s where the parent committee becomes a really valuable partner. All money raised by the Parents and Citizens committee must be used for the benefit of the school students. But as a member, you get to vote on how funds are used—and ultimately, that can benefit your child/ren too.

Our Wellard Village P& C needs people to support them in order to be successful, find our why they can't do it without you!

Are you able to give up some of your time to volunteer to join our P&C? Then Click here to download the membership form: how to become a member of the Wellard Village P&C.

Keeping our community informed 

Our P & C are very keen to keep up our community informed about what they are actioning over the year. General meetings are held at the start of each term. Days and times vary to give all members an opportunity to participate; follow up meetings are in response to events happening in the school. Please see below for a copy of our meeting minutes:


Meeting 1: 8th of February 2024

Scoot Locks: Scoot Locks are available for sale from the P&C for $45. A scooter / bike / pram lock that lies on your vehicle so it can't be lost or forgotten. Check out how to use them at https://scootlock.com/scoot-lock-fitting-instructions/ Talk to a member of the WVPS P&C or email wellardvillagepandc@gmail.com to buy.

Fundraising goals: Nature Play 

Useful links

Official Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/groups/5336956646385288

If you would like to contact the Wellard Village P&C you can do so by emailing: wellardvillagepandc@gmail.com